Akraino Annual Awards (2021-2022) |
Akraino Annual Awards
The Akraino award is granted to individuals that are nominated by the Akraino TSC and Community members and considered to have contributed to evolvement of an Akraino Project individual and/or group Blueprint(s) for achieving both, Sustaining and/or Disruptive Innovation (as defined by Prof. Clayton Chistensen,1997, "The Innovator's Dilemma"). The Akraino award grantees are considered to have contributed to providing insightful ideas through sharing with the Akraino project members various personal ideas/insights, reports, specifications, articles, other Open Source Organizations and Community contributions on Technology specifications and exploring the potential for their interoperability. From Akraino Project very first day, Akraino TSC and Community members have supported and promoted the realization of the articles stipulated in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by World leaders 25 years ago and GSMA SDG 5 focus on achieving Gender equality and empowering all women and girls to have more opportunities and access to Technology now than ever before.
Note: While all Nomination Categories are listed, you are not required to submit nominations for everything. Nominees / nominating statements will be collated for the final Voting ballot. If you would like to submit more nominations than the Survey provides spaces for, feel free to submit another form with additional nominees.
Deadline: Nominations will close on May 25, 2022